ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at Green 2018
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will be at Green 2018 to present ICTFOOTPRINT.eu to an audience composed by industry and academia members

The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place between 4th and 8th June, in Brussels (Belgium). The EUSEW is the most important European conference dedicated to sustainable energy policy issues.

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at EU Green Week
The EU Green Week will take place between the 21st and the 25th May in several European cities.

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at EUROCITIES “Environment forum”
The EUROCITIES "Environment Forum" takes place on 18th October, in Tampere (Finland).

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at Knowledge Society Forum
"Knowledge Society Forum”, under the theme ‘Transparency in a City of People’, takes place between 16th and 18th April, in Ghent (Belgium). The general theme of the event will focus on cities' practices, initiatives and new tools to engage with citizens and on creating new forms of democracy in the digital age

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at Smart Energy World Summit, Lisbon
The Smart Energy World Summit will take place between the 24th a

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at Greening through ICT Summit (GtICT 2017), Paris
IEEE Greening through ICT Summit (GtICT), takes place on 3 Octob

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at "Sustainable Energy Week"
Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place between 19th and 25th June, in Brussels (Belgium) at European Commission’s Charlemagne building and the Residence Palace. ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to join the panel of speakers of “Data centres — nearly zero energy consumption”, taking place on Wednesday 21st June, at 2:00 PM, in Charlemagne Building.

As a SMARTGREENS Academic Partner, ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will give “green insights” during a 20 minute presentation, explaining how ICTFOOTPRINT.eu services help cities and public administrators reducing their ICT carbon footprint, by making informed decisions on how to make their ICT services sustainable and energy efficient.

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at World Sustainable Energy Days
World Sustainable Energy Days (WSED) is one of the largest European annual conferences in the field of sustainable energy, taking place in Wels (Austria). It will gather together experts from 50 different countries, to discuss technology trends on green energy and energy efficiency.

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu at "Data Centre World"
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will organise a 30 minutes speaking session about “ICTFOOTPRINT.eu: a web platform to help organisations in measuring and reducing their ICT carbon footprint” at Data Centre World Paris, the biggest gathering of Data experts ever organised in France

ICTFOOTPRINT.eu as a speaker at “Green ICT” webinar
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to be a speaker at “Green ICT” webinar, taking place on 7th November 2016 at 11:00 am CET and organised by Green Digital Charter, a network of committing cities to working together to deliver on the EU climate objectives through the use of ICT.