Check how your SME can improve energy efficiency and reduce carbon footprint - 18th MAY
Why should you be “energy efficient”?
Cost Savings for example: ICT sector can save EUR 600 billion thanks to energy savings in 2020, by decreasing only 15% of its emissions, according to a report from The Climate Group.
Plus, almost 70% of 150 IT decision makers in the UK, France and Germany do not have a system in place to measure environmental impact, according to findings by Datacenter Converge Europe 2015. In order to reduce, measuring is the very first step to tackling energy efficiency.
The meeting on 18th May 2016 is an opportunity for you, as an SME, to start planning your strategy to improve your energy efficiency and reduce your carbon footprint with the help of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu
Supporting ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is a group of highly qualified, international experts from the ICT industry, policy, regulatory, standards and academic fields, dedicated to improving energy efficiency in ICT, called the External Advisory Group.
Join ICTFOOTPRINT.eu and gain essential knowledge on ICT energy efficiency
What benefits will you get from attending?
1) Free updated, information on how your SME can make cost savings through ICT-related spending.
2) Free consultancy on adopting the right methodologies to reduce your carbon footprint.
3) Visibility on the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu website, demonstrating how and why your company could reduce its carbon footprint and increase its energy efficiency by implementing new methodologies.
4) Showcase on social media platforms: LinkedIn, Twitter, Slideshare, YouTube and newsletter as an SME best practice, spotlighting your green initiatives.
5) Participation, where possible, at our international events where the SME can engage with stakeholders.
6) Visibility to a international EU audience as well as to the European Commission thanks to eu communication activities;
7) Contribute & showcase the SME in our newsletters and other outreach activities we organise.
We ask you for 5 mins of your time to complete the online survey, which will give us a better understanding of how much you know and we can prepare for a constructive meeting.
The Agenda – “End-user requirements gathering & validation” meeting
How to get to the meeting?
The meeting will take place at European Commission premises, in Brussels, in Avenue Beaulieu, Building 25, Room 6/S1. See the meeting location here
You can get there by public transport by taking the subway and getting off at Beaulieu subway station, line 5. The meeting is a 5 minutes’ walk from the subway station.
We look forward to have SMEs joining the face-to-face meeting in Brussels on the 18th May 2016.
If you plan to attend, please reply back before 6th May 2016, by sending an email to contact@ictfootprint.eu. Only those who will contact us are able to join us.