The ICTFOOTPRINT.eu organised the 10th webinar on 27th September to showcase how green policies, green labels and virtualization can have a positive impact in decreasing ICT energy consumption in SMEs
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu organised a half-day "Policy Levers towards Greener ICT”, in Paris (France), on 24th September 2018, to identify the main policy levers towards an uptake of ICT environmental assessment among players of the sector, as a key feature for a more responsible and greener ICT. To do so, the workshop aims at gathering expertise from a selection of most-relevant stakeholders in the European ICT sector.
The ICTFOOTPRINT.eu organised the 9th webinar on 18th July to showcase a new technology for green data centres and demonstrate the power of people in decreasing ICT energy consumption in SMEs
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu organised a half-day "Hands on Workshop Event: Green ICT – in practice”, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), on 20th March 2018, to sensibilise people to understand what Green ICT is for companies.
The 8th ICTFOOTPRINT.eu webinar gathered together five passionate experts, who explained how to incorporate eco-design into ICT services. The GreenConcept project was presented, which helps small & medium companies to implement the principles of ecodesign into the development of their digital services (web site, social network, IOT appliance, platform...).
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to join the panel of speakers of “Data centres — nearly zero energy consumption”, during EUSEW 2017. The session was dedicated to debate and share insights on how to increase data centres energy efficiency, in order to reduce their demand to operate under proper conditions and sourcing the energy required to operate from on-site or nearby renewable sources.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu 6th webinar has insights on how to improve ICT energy efficiency in your business.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu participated at REMOO Conference & Workshop, in Venice (Italy) on 12th May 2017. REMOO is an annual international event, joining experts, researchers, industry leaders and investors from countries all over the world, to meet and exchange knowledge, insights and experiences on multi-and cross disciplinary aspects of energy.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu 5th webinar has insights on how to manage the energy consumed by ICT and how Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can guide you to make your ICT more sustainable.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu attented SMARTGREENS 2017, in Porto (Portugal) a conference that brought together researchers, designers, developers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in Smart Cities, Green Information and Communication Technologies, Sustainability, Energy Aware Systems and Technologies.