
Our esteemed sellers are listed below. Contact them for your green supplies

Did you know that bad software can cause your electricity bill to go up?

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C&Ds is a Management Consulting firm, based in Switzerland (mainly Lugano and Zürich) but with a cross border approach between EU and North America, focused on topics related

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Consultancy in green ICT

LCA, environmental footprint, carbon & energy footprint, design of environmental impact assessment Tools and much more!

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IT efficiency specialist, EasyVirt offers software solutions to easily control and optimize IT infrastructures.

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EnergyElephant is focused on helping people make better energy decisions using their energy data and our AI engine.

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Smart Grid Energy optimisation software

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Escan is an Spanish Energy Consultig that develope energy audits and studies on energy efficeincy and renewable energy sources for public bosies and private companies.

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ACT2SAVE is a mobile app powered by GreenGoWeb, which encourages multinationals since 2013 to engage employees in more sustainable practices in a fun and efficient way.

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GREENSPECTOR is a powerful software ecodesign solution for developpers.

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