We at Telehouse are committed to reducing our clients’ information systems environmental footprint as part of our ongoing and comprehensive eco-responsible approach. Our practice is recognized by independent experts and both our physical and virtual hosting services have been positively evaluated by several accreditation bodies. By understanding stakeholders' expectations we are able to constantly improve our commitments over the time and contribute to make our business environment sustainable.
Telehouse runs a Green IT Program since 2011, staff from all services are involved and 30 or more actions are implemented each year. The energy efficiency (PUE) has improved by 5% between 2015 and 2017, 100% of the total electrical consumption are guaranteed from renewable source and all our datacenters are ISO 14001 and ISO 50001 certified. The environmental impact of our cloud services (IAAS) has decreased by 80% on a life cycle global approach (hosting of 1 virtual server during 1 year), 30% reduction of the electrical consumption of storage services. Our approach is recognized by independent experts and both our physical and virtual hosting services have been positively evaluated by AFNOR. On AFAQ Eco-design evaluation Telehouse is now to a “confirmed” level. We have also obtained European Code of Conduct for datacenters approval for all its French sites as both participant and endorser status. Telehouse decided to join a Green IT association order to share best practices, new ideas and concepts to keep raising awareness on environmental issues
Energy consumption is a primary concern and we developed an energy strategy based on EU’s 2020 climate & energy package. This approach has resulted in ISO 50001 certification of all our datacenters. Daily our employees contribute to the optimization of energy performance, and, to show our commitment, 100% of our energy consumption is guaranteed renewable. Besides energy usage management we have introduced the principles of Eco-design in the development of our services by acting on: Choice and appliance optimization, pooling resources, Management and recycling of IT waste, the development of management tools and dialogue with stakeholders. This is our guarantee of environmental impact reduction throughout the lifecycle.
Telehouse wants to keep on improving its environmental performance on existing and new datacenter. To partnership with largest set of customers to improve overall energy efficiency. Together we can reduce the environmental footprint of our Information Systems!