Green Digital Charter - GuiDanCe
The Green Digital Charter is a declaration committing cities to working together to deliver on the EU climate objectives through the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). It therefore promotes progress in tackling climate change through the innovative use of digital technologies in cities. The Charter is currently signed by 50 major European cities and is open to local authorities regardless of the stage of implementation of their energy and climate policies.
GuiDanCe will support and guide the Green Digital Charter (GDC) signatory cities work together towards their commitments. GuiDanCe is funded by Horizon 2020 and follows-up the work done by the FP7-NiCE project “Networking intelligent Cities for Energy Efficiency”. More specifically, the project will work towards three main objectives:
- Strengthen the engagement of GDC signatory cities to create a club of cities that work together towards their GDC commitments;
- Improve existing GDC tools and services and their impact to signatory cities;
- Promote GDC signatory cities’ activities in and outside the EU.
- Website: http://www.greendigitalcharter.eu/
- Email: info@greendigitalcharter.eu
- Twitter:@GDCharter
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/1200896