FLoris Competence Management
As being an independent learning institute for IT professionals we’re continuously looking for new and interesting training and certification programs to complete our portfolio. Since our start in 2010 we promote the new way of working by adopting the new way of working and trying to travel at least as possible with the goal of lowering our carbon footprint. For your imagination, we have a virtual office so our employees don’t have to travel anymore and we deliver LiveOnline course so our students can join the courses live from home or their own office environment. We also only deliver e-Books as study materials and our servers and other hardware are complete offline during night-time when nobody is at work. Because of our own awareness in becoming more energy efficient and reducing our carbon footprint we are looking if there are any training and certification programs to complete our portfolio and to deliver our clients. Of course we have a commercial thought, but besides that we want to create more awareness about how organizations can be more energy efficient and reducing their carbon footprint. If there is a training and certification program I’m very interested and I really want to receive all the information you have. E.g. course outlines, certifications, learning partners or even freelance trainers who can help us to provide courses and certification. I look forward to receive your positive reaction and I want to thank you in advance!