Federal Ministry of the Interior - Germany

Federal Ministry of the Interior - Germany

Claim To Fame: 

Contract tender for thin clients tendered by the Procurement Agency of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Germany (Beschaffungsamt) published in August 2013. Framework contract about 50.000 thin client computer systems (30.00 smart-thin-clients and 20.000 full-thin-clients) and connected services to replace old and innefficient desktop PCs in several government agencies. A 24 months purchase contract (framework contract) with the possibility to extend twice for 12 months.

Contract Clauses

Repair and maintenance: warrantee of compliance for the following environmentla aspects:

  • - Energy consumption: 61 kWh/a/unit
  • - Emissions: 31 Kg CO2/a/unit
  • - All components must be labelled with the CE-mark.
  • - Noise. all componentes guarantee an acoustic power level established by EN ISO 7779:2001 in association with ISO 9296:1988.
  • - Hazardous waste: separated collection and delivering to authorised waste managers.
  • - No Hazardous waste: good management according to general law and local regulations.
Federal Ministry of the Interior
Organisation Type: 
Cities or Public Administration
+49 22899 601-0
Main benefits & Achieved Results : 

Energy savings and CO2 emission reductions were calculated based on GPP 2020 methodology for a lifecycle of 5 years. The results are as follows.

The market for thin-client computer systems offers more energy-efficient products than demanded in the technical specifications (see table above).

Commitments for the future & other relevant information: 

In the future more ambitious criteria on the energy efficiency could be considred as an award criterion.

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