Calculation Tools & ICT Insights on energy saving: SAT-S, Save@Work, GreenSpector

Calculation Tools & ICT Insights on energy saving: SAT-S, Save@Work, GreenSpector

The 4th ICTFOOTPRINT free webinar has crucial information on ICT Calculation tools and Sustainable ICT insights on energy savings, on 23rd February 2017, 15:00 CET. All those who want to improve ICT energy efficiency in their business are welcome to join us in this exciting webinar.

Thomas Corvaisier (CEO of GREENSPECTOR) introduced the concept of software eco-design, and tell us how it may help lowering the consumption of IT resources while preserving performance and user experience.

Frédéric Croisson, from Deloitte Sustainability, showcased the Self-Assessment Tool for Services (SAT-S), a useful, quick and easy-to-use tool that calculates the carbon footprint of your ICT services. The tool helps users not only to make informed decisions about how to make an ICT service sustainable, but also discover the impact of ICT devices & activities in terms of Green House Gas emissions and primary energy consumption.

Karen Robinson shared some sustainable ICT practices and introduce the save@work initiative, which encourages public sector employee’s to come together in teams to reduce the energy consumption of their building by making small changes to their everyday energy consuming behaviours.

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