ICT Carbon Footprint measurement tool for cities

ICT Carbon Footprint measurement tool for cities

The aim of this ICT Footprint measurement tool is to develop a method and technique which is flexible and complementary to existing methods that cities already use. It draws on existing international standards and methodologies (such as the ITU‘s L.1400 recommendations, GHG protocol, the Carbon Disclosure Project, as well as standards from International Bodies such as ISO14064) to enable cities to measure, compare and report on ICT’s direct carbon footprint at a city level.

This tool is complimented by an online visualization tool to allow comparison of metrics across a specified time period, thereby supporting cities to evaluate their status in meeting the Green Digital Charter target of 30% reduction of CO2 emissions on ICT equipment over 10 years. By following the 7-steps guide below, a City / Municipality can measure aspects of their ICT Footprint and analyse the results. The ICT Carbon Footprint measurement tool should be viewed as an iterative process, added to,or refined as local ICT records, relating to both equipment owned, or used (eg. outsourced services; 3rd parties who may attach their own ICT devices) by a City are identified, and/or authoritative data on energy usage for all ICT devices are published.


    european commission© 2018 ICTFOOTPRINT.eu – ICTFOOTPRINT.eu has received funding from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Grant Agreement no 690911. The content of this website does not represent the opinion of the European Commission, and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that might be made of such content.
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