The white paper describes the outcome of an initiative undertaken by The Green Grid in early 2015 to define a metric or set of metrics that can quantify the maximum volume of information and communications technology (ICT) services that can be delivered by a data centre for a given investment (“ICT capacity”) and provide an indicator of the share of that capacity that is effectively utilised (“ICT utilisation”).
This document provides information on how to address the environmental impact of ICTs in a standardized way, and uses ITU-T Methodologies to assess the environmental impact of ICTs in goods, networks and services and in Organizations.
- Website: https://www.itu.int/dms_pub/itu-t/oth/4B/01/T4B010000080001PDFE.pdf
- Ownership: ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
This Supplement provides a set of guidelines that countries can refer to when designing or adjusting their e-waste management systems including a policy/legal framework, collection mechanisms, financial mechanisms and engagement with all relevant stakeholders
- Website: https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-L.Sup4-201604-I/en
- Ownership: ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector
Using the free web-based HP Carbon Footprint Calculators, you can easily see how you can reduce the environmental impact—and costs—of computing and printing. It takes just a few clicks to estimate how applying power-saving technologies, upgrading to more efficient features, and consolidating devices can lower your energy use and carbon footprint. Choose a calculator below to begin an evaluation and find solutions that are good for business and good for the planet. Conserve energy and paper, reduce impact and save money.
The aim of this ICT Footprint measurement tool is to develop a method and technique which is flexible and complementary to existing methods that cities already use. It draws on existing international standards and methodologies (such as the ITU‘s L.1400 recommendations, GHG protocol, the Carbon Disclosure Project, as well as standards from International Bodies such as ISO14064) to enable cities to measure, compare and report on ICT’s direct carbon footprint at a city level.
Excel tool which is designed to help Further and Higher Education (FHE) Institutions estimate the in-use energy consumption, costs and carbon footprint of their non-residential ICT usage,
IEC 62430:2009 specifies requirements and procedures to integrate environmental aspects into design and development processes of electrical and electronic products, including combination of products, and the materials and components of which they are composed. It has the status of a horizontal standard in accordance with IEC Guide 108.
The LCA2Go project is supported by the FP7 Program of the European Commission, and aims at boosting Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) use in European small and medium-sized enterprises. The project develops sectoral methods and tools for a variety of sectors, among which electronics. For each sector, the objectives are to develop simplified operative methods and tools; sector-specific eco-design and LCA approaches; a web-based, open source toolbox..
The white paper provides a comprehensive methodology for the application of an eco-design approach to numerical services. The document covers the evaluation of environmental impacts, and will be later completed through the development of a social and economic approaches. The goal of the white paper is to help comprehend the issues related to sustainable IT service, and how to benefit from an eco-design approach. Key concepts are presented to help distinguish effective sustainable solutions.
Mobile Efficiency Index is an online tool that measures the energy consumption of a website on a mobile device and assesses its impact on battery life. Mobile Efficiency Index is the first online tool allowing you to measure the energy consumption of a website on a mobile device. Mobile Efficiency Index measures the energy consumption of your website and assesses its impact on battery life. You want to check this carefully, because energy consumption if one of the key reasons of application turndowns by users.