Your energy efficiency in ICT? Follow ICTFOOTPRINT.eu
"ICT is currently responsible for 8-10% of the European Union’s electricity consumption and up to 4% of its carbon emissions"
With a wise energy and environmental efficiency strategy, the ICT sector can save around 15% of global emissions in 2020, mainly through sectors like transport, industry and buildings. It is urgent that energy efficiency measures are applied in order to counterbalance the expected growth in ICT.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will contribute to this goal. Funded by the European Commission under the Horizon 2020 Programme (Grant Agreement no 690911), it is the European support action in the field of energy & environmental efficiency in ICT. It aims to create an independent information & services hub for organisations in Europe, particularly SMEs. it started its activities this February 2016, with a challenging, engaging & innovative three-year work plan.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu aims to understand & improve stakeholders' energy efficiency when it comes to ICT equipment & services
Support all European ICT players on how they can become energy and environmentally efficient. In particular it will support the practical calculation of energy and carbon footprint in ICT (products & organisations), by allowing easy access to methodologies that are internationally recognised and, contextually, help organisations to be efficient & reduce their carbon footprint.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Online Services
1) High quality tools to carbon footprint methodologies, which will guide end-users, to measure their ICT carbon footprint using standards, procedures and metrics;
2) Helpdesk, with high-standard response time, providing assistance to organisations interested in using the methodologies @ ICTFOOTPRINT.eu;
3) Marketplace for energy & resource efficiency solutions;
4) Webinars & communication materials;
5) Best practices in adopting ICT footprint methodologies in Europe.
Methodologies are already available to stakeholders but their visibility and workability could be improved, and they do not provide, in a simple and usable form, the information and the resources to perform carbon footprint calculations
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will address this aspect, by developing a high-usability online platform.
Finally, ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will raise awareness among all key stakeholders, namely all ICT-intensive organisations (with a particular attention also to SMEs), ICT industry players, public bodies, policy makers and relevant standard bodies (SDOs), besides all European citizens.
Roel Castelein, EMEA marketing chair at The Green Grid, during DCD Converge Europe 2015, questioned "how will you ever improve if you do not know how to measure it?”, after realising that...
67% of a survey’s participants, with 150 IT decision makers in the UK, France and Germany, do not have a measurement system in place to measure environmental impact.
In order to disseminate the initiative to a larger audience, the platform will be translated in 5 languages (English, German, French, Spanish and Italian), making it naturally accessible for almost 58% of all European SMEs.
SMEs will receive a special attention, through a continuative set of effective coordination and support actions that aim to raise awareness and develop a large community of end-users. The benefits received from ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will become valuable assets, through cost savings, brand building, lean processes, transparency and external reputation in “green ICT”.
Stakeholders are invited to join the movement and make an easy analysis about how they can decrease their carbon footprint.
All stakeholders which are:
- An SME operating in the ICT sector;
- An ICT supplier;
- A Public Organisation dealing with carbon footprint of ICT;
- Another player dealing with energy & environmental efficiency in ICT.
Are invited to visit all ICTFOOTPRINT.eu communication channels:
- Visit ICTFOOTPRINT.eu website: http://www.ictfootprint.eu/
- Follow ICTFOOTPRINT.eu on Twitter: twitter.com/ICTFOOTPRINTeu | @ICTFOOTPRINTeu
- Connect with ICTFOOTPRINT.eu on LinkedIn: https://be.linkedin.com/in/ictfootprinteu
- Pre-register to subscribe to the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu newsletter