Key experts together to improve EU SMEs on calculating their ICT energy efficiency - ICTFOOTPRINT .EU External Advisory Group
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is an EU Initiative, funded by the European Commission under H2020, wishes to make organisations and especially EU SMEs life easier in helping them understand how to become more ICT energy efficient to ultimately reduce their ICT carbon footprint.
Supporting ICTFOOTPRINT.eu are a group of highly qualified, international experts dedicated to improving energy efficiency in ICT. Together, they form the External Advisory Group (EAG).
All members hold influential positions covering the ICT industry, Standard Development, and Policy and Regulatory roles from around the globe.
Members will contribute to specific ICT methodologies that ICTFOOTPRINT.eu will adopt and roll-out as services for small businesses. With these members the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu consortia will provide some first take-away services on what is needed in the marketplace to raise awareness on carbon footprint methodologies and metrics in ICT.
More members will join EAG in during ICTFOOTPRINT.eu lifespan.
Meet the EAG
Anders Andrae - Huawei Technologies (Sweden)
Anders has experience on estimating the environmental loadings of the ICT sector and is editor for first LCA standard for ICT developed by ETSI.
Mauro Boldi - Telecom Italia (Italy)
Mauro, a system engineer is part of ETSI group dedicated to access network energy efficiency.
Emma Fryer - TechUK (UK)
Associate Director for Climate Change Programmes. Emma spent the last six years representing the ICT sector in policy matters related to climate change, explaining how intelligent use of ICT can reduce net carbon emissions.
Osamu Namikawa- Hitachi (Japan)
Osamu Namikawa is working for the Environment Policy Division, Information & Telecommunication Systems of Hitachi. He is responsible for environmentally conscious design and environmental standardization.
Dominique Roche - ETSI (France)
Chairman of OEU and ATTM committees in ETSI. Experience on operational energy efficiency for users at ETSI.
Lance Rütimann - The Green Grid & SIEMENS (Switzerland)
Vice President and Senior Manager Industry Affairs, respectively. Lance advocates for safe, secure and sustainable environments.
Daniel Schien - University of Bristol (UK)
Daniel, Researcher in Sustainable IT has developed models to assess the carbon emissions of consuming services over the Internet and investigated how ICT can best be used to bring more sustainable life styles.
Thomas Wilson - ECOS (Belgium)
Thomas is the Standardisation Officer responsible for the ICT area and has experience on Smart meters, Smart grids and Energy.
We are delighted that these individuals are supporting us throughout the 36 months and look forward to updating our community with their content rich visionary inputs.