ICTFOOTPRINT.eu: Who are the Partners?
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is a partnership among 3 European organisations.
Trust-IT Services (UK)
Trust-IT Services is a higly skilled SME in Communications & Digital Marketing as well as web platform & mobile app development.
Trust-IT Services coordinates ICTFOOTPRINT.eu and brings a vast experience gained over the last decade in managing community-development & policy-uptake initiatives in innovative and challeging sectors of the ICT industry around the world.
Trust-IT Services leads several coordination and support actions, rolling out tools and services fit for today's fast evolving landscape, i.e. SLA-Ready.eu and cloudwatchhub.eu. It also organises the successful Cloudscape Series events (cloudscapeseries.eu), running since 2009. It is among the prime movers in EU H2020 funded projects in cloud computing, data infrastructures, cybersecurity, global standards, 5G, international cooperation.
Deloitte Sustainability (France)
Specifically for this project, Deloitte Sustainability will rely on its experts who have several years of experience in the quantification of environmental impacts of products, services and organisations in various economic sectors, of which the ICT sector.
Indeed, in the last five years, Deloitte Sustainability has been strongly involved in a number of Intelligent Energy Europe, FP7, DG INFSO (now CONNECT) and private clients projects whose scope and activities are directly relevant to the objectives of the project.
EUROCITIES brings together over 140 major cities in Europe.
Based in Brussels, its secretariat provides a platform for its member cities to share knowledge, ideas and experiences, to analyse common problems and develop innovative solutions, through a wide range of forums, working groups, projects, activities and events.
The EUROCITIES Environment (117 members), Mobility (116 members) and Knowledge Society (116 members) forums bring together representatives from the environment, transport and ICT departments of its member cities, who follow closely European policies affecting the urban environment and analyse the new trends and opportunities that smart cities offer.
EUROCITIES has a Smart Cities virtual group (80 members) which clusters city experts from different sectors linked to smart cities in order to consult them on cross-cutting issues. It is also one of the instigators of the EUROCITIES Green Digital Charter, an initiative which commits mayors to use digital technologies to create sustainability gains and energy efficiencies.
And there is more...
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu enjoys advisory support from a highly qualified board of experts in the field of carbon footprint in ICT, known as External Advisory Group (EAG): A selection of outstanding individuals, highly reputable in the field of energy efficiency in ICT products and organisations.
The EAG will be presented in the following days. Keep posted!