Sustainable ICT - Achieve more with Less: The experience of CircularComputing, CATALYST & best practice data centres - ICTFOOTPRINT.eu 11th Webinar
Did you know that re-manufacturing is one of the simplest ways to achieve environmental sustainability? It saves over 80% of the energy and raw material required to manufacture an original piece of equipment (OEM) (Source) and keeps used parts out of landfills. The re-manufacturing cycle is the process of reviving and restoring used parts and, when necessary, replacing them with a component that is equivalent to, or better than, the original part. This process launches a new life cycle and maintains the intrinsic value of the product at the highest possible level, providing the same or better performance of the component.
In addition, there’s a well used management adage that says you can’t manage what you don’t measure, and this certainly applies to Data Centers. Not only do you need to accurately gauge your Data Center’s capacity and the resources necessary to operate the facility effectively, but you also need to be able to rapidly calculate how you consume these resources and what type and quantity of byproducts the Data Center produces to know how green it is. Once you have acknowledged the importance of taking measurements in your Data Center, which elements are useful to measure to evaluate how green it is? Data centres offer a tremendous opportunity for energy and cost savings. And their energy consumption can be reduced by 20% to 40% by applying best management energy-efficiency measures and strategies (Source).
There are many standards and best practices related to green IT ready to be implemented, that can help each one of us to become greener in IT.
ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is organising a webinar on 14th November, 4:00 PM CET, to showcase how to decrease the environmental impact of your ICT.
Steve Haskew (Strategic Commercial Manager for CircularComputing), will challenge boundaries by demonstrating the true cost of having Sustainable IT and what this implies for your organisation.
Mark Acton (Head of Data Centre Technical Consulting at CBRE’s Global Data Centre Solutions) will present standards and best practices related to ICT Sustainability, particularly in relation to data centres.
Vasiliki Georgiadou (Project Manager at Green IT Amsterdam) will present CATALYST, an H2020 project that developed a Green Data Centre Assessment Toolkit to support the evaluation and assessment of data centres in terms of their environmental sustainability performance and impact. The Toolkit consolidates all recent knowledge on relevant KPIs and metrics that measure various sustainability elements in a comprehensive and easy to use process, to better navigate the ever-growing landscape.
The webinar is moderated by Silvana Muscella (Project Coordinator of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu and CEO of Trust-IT Services) who has a broad experience in stimulating topics in the ICT sector. In recent years, her drive has been in motivating her team to turn their expertise into developing useful ICT tools and services for smaller companies, like Trust-IT, in the ICT sectors for energy efficiency, cloud procurement and cyber security. Other innovations include creating online tools that make cloud computing more accessible, especially for novices.
REGISTER NOW The 1-hour webinar is free and open to all.
Why should you join the webinar?
- Learn more about how to make your data centres sustainable and the added-value of having sustainable IT equipment in your organisation;
- Start benefiting from the advantages of sustainable ICT and reduced energy costs;
- Join free of charge and in 1 hour you’ll have a focused and clear idea of how you can improve your energy efficiency in ICT.