How to ecodesign digital services? Focus on the GreenConcept project
The 8th ICTFOOTPRINT.eu webinar gathered together five passionate experts, who explained how to incorporate eco-design into ICT services. The GreenConcept project was presented, which helps small & medium companies to implement the principles of ecodesign into the development of their digital services (web site, social network, IOT appliance, platform...).
Caroline Vateau (Senior Consultant at NEUTREO and General Secretary of Alliance Green IT) and Damien Prunel (Ecodesign Consultant at Bureau Veritas) CODDE explained the method of how to ecodesign a digital service based on the white paper from Alliance Green IT.
Christophe Fernique, in charge of the environmental issues at the Occitanie Chamber of Commerce, explained in detail the GreenConcept project from the origin to the first results.
Sebastien Bernis (CEO of BSWEB - webmarketing appliance) and Valentin Girard (Specialist in embedded systems and RFID technology at ELA INNOVATION - IOT based appliance), shared their experiences on the GreenConcept project.
The webinar is moderated by Silvana Muscella (Project Coordinator of ICTFOOTPRINT.eu and CEO of Trust-IT Services) who has a broad experience in stimulating topics in the ICT sector. In recent years, her drive has been in motivating her team to turn their expertise into developing useful ICT tools and services for smaller companies, alike Trust-IT, in the ICT sectors for energy efficiency, cloud procurement and cybersecurity, and providing online tools for making cloud computing easier, particularly for novices.