GreenServe - The Netherlands
The project was commissioned to understand what is the state-of-the-art situation of the ICT used by public organisations and potential case studies and assess opportunities to enable energy and power management

- Virtualisation: Energy consumption savings around 20% and utilisation increases an average 10%.
- Query scripts: Energy efficiency improvement of an average 25% with corresponding reduction in execution times.
- Equipment refresh (!specific case!): 61 MWh energy savings & 30/32 Mton CO2 per year
- Facility upgrade (EURECA project): energy efficiency of an on-premise DC can be improved with 25% through adopting best practices in the DC facilities, and with 35% by moving to a colocation DC that has adopted best practices.
- Application features: Optimising a website by moving from a generic CMS to customized HTML resulted in 45% energy savings related to the case study website.
Between 66% & 90% of energy applications and cloud services energy can be saved through the use of new ICT equipment, proper setup and an optimal use of the capacity of the servers.
Potential of energy management is underused because the opportunities are unknown and / or unclear to application managers and IT managers.
The objective of this project was to:
- Aim to provide the state-of-play and opportunities related to optimising alignment between hardware, middleware and applications.
- Reduce energy consumption without compromising on performance and reliability
The project’s stakeholders are Application managers, ICT / Department managers, Trade Organisations, ICT providers, Sustainability/Energy Managers, CxO level, Buyers.
- Lessons learned: All lessons learned have been written in the main report based on three categories (Technology, Organisational involvement and motivation and Contextual and governance implications).
- Potential for transfer: Special implementation and transfer roadmap has been created to go with the main report. (http://www.greenitamsterdam.nl/projects/653-greenserve-energy-management...)