The EUROCITIES "Environment Forum" takes place on 18th October, in Tampere (Finland).

"Knowledge Society Forum”, under the theme ‘Transparency in a City of People’, takes place between 16th and 18th April, in Ghent (Belgium). The general theme of the event will focus on cities' practices, initiatives and new tools to engage with citizens and on creating new forms of democracy in the digital age

SAVE THE DATE: ICTFOOTPRINT.eu is organising a half-day "Hands on Workshop Event: Green ICT – in practice”, in Amsterdam (The Netherlands), on 20th March 2018, to sensibilise people to understand what Green ICT is for companies. Register now.

How to ecodesign digital services?

Join the free webinar on 21st November @ 12:00 PM CET to reduce your ICT carbon footprint and increase the energy efficiency of your organisation.

The Smart Energy World Summit will take place between the 24th a

IEEE Greening through ICT Summit (GtICT), takes place on 3 Octob

Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) will take place between 19th and 25th June, in Brussels (Belgium) at European Commission’s Charlemagne building and the Residence Palace. ICTFOOTPRINT.eu was invited to join the panel of speakers of “Data centres — nearly zero energy consumption”, taking place on Wednesday 21st June, at 2:00 PM, in Charlemagne Building.

On 27 April 2017 ICTFOOTPRINT.eu organised its 5th webinar.