The present deliverable describes the global and emerging trends in the green ICT sector, with regards to: environmental indicators; emerging best practices and subsectors; and more generally, the inclusion of green IT practices in a broader perspective, including economic, social and societal aspects. A specific focus is made on green public procurements. It should be considered as a complement to the deliverable D2.2, which introduced the concept of “sustainability in ICT”, by opposition to “sustainability by ICT” (i.e. contributing to other sectors) and gave a first insight of the green ICT market and involved players.
This vision is based on the insight acquired by the ICTFOOTPRINT.eu initiative during the first two years of activities, and specifically describes the services developed as part of the project, with a particular focus on the map of methodologies and the calculation tools to raise awareness on the uptake of best practices and the implementation of methodologies to assess the environmental impact of ICT products and organisations. The deliverable also gives an insight on the data collected on other existing tools, labels and initiatives toward “greener” ICT.
Moreover, the report outlines activities and results achieved with regards to community engagement, and the 3rd year plan to manage and analyse information gathered from the users, e.g. through the helpdesk support tool. A plan for complete development of all ICTFOOTPRINT.eu services is also described.
The present deliverable is the second issue of the report. A first version was delivered at the end of the first year of activities (D2.2), and a third version will be issued at project completion (D2.5).