Design4Green (ESAIP) - France
Design4Green Challenge is a 48 hours challenge of ecodesign. The challenge is worldwilde and open to all students and professionnals with IT knowledge. It includes live coaching sessions and talk with Green IT experts.
In 2017, more than 250 people, 12 host cities and 7 countries were involved in the event
On Twitter (From Nov. 20 to Nov. 27)
- 1 058 tweets with the hashtag #Design4green
- Publication reach: 390 000
- Engagement: 903
On Facebook (From Nov. 9 to Dec. 6)
- Publication reach: 6 333
- 2 120 view
Organized with the support of several partners and sponsors, the 2018 edition aimed to:
- Encourage and federate both students and professionnals for sustainable IT,
- Compete the best green developer and tomorrow’s talent,
This event is co-organiszed by ESAIP and AGIT France, in charge of creating the subject, defining the infrastructure and evaluating the diferent projects.
Organised in 2017 and 2018, ESAIP will continue organising one in 2019, as well as a special North American edition in partnership with “Québec Numérique”.